Installing opencv with pip ffmpeg python
Installing opencv with pip ffmpeg python

After that finishes, try the failed install again. If you see an error like “ numpy‑1.11.3+mkl‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.” or similar try python -m pip install -upgrade pip from the command prompt – this will upgrade pip.Run “ pip install requests” to try and get one more package that might be necessary for Argus, depending on your exact setup.Installation order matters slightly, use the order in Step 2 to be safe. Run “ pip install xx” where xx is each of the packages downloaded in step 2.In the command prompt, type cd c:\Users\hedricklab\Downloads (substitute your username for hedricklab).Right-click on the “command prompt” start menu entry and select Run As Administrator.Press the Windows key to bring up start menu (or click on it).

installing opencv with pip ffmpeg python

  • Go to and download the following packages ( use the latest …-cp36- (or 2.7 version in the case of installing with Python 2.7.x) …_amd64 version of each package).
  • installing opencv with pip ffmpeg python

    Download the Windows x86-64 executable installer.Select the latest Python 3.6.x (or the latest 2.7.x version if you prefer) from the table lower on the page.Don’t click on either button at the top of the screen – these are links 32bit versions.

    Installing opencv with pip ffmpeg python